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Integrated Research Projects (IRPs)

Every academic year (AY), the Commandant of the US Army War College commissions Integrated Research Projects (IRPs) to conduct intensive study on the Army’s top priority strategic issues. An IRP research team consists of subject matter expert faculty members and select resident students who engage in strategic research and analysis on each issue.  Every IRP has an external sponsoring agency or individual, often at the senior-most levels of the Army or Department of Defense, that establishes the research need and has a vested interest in resolving the issue. The IRP research teams have the opportunity to interact with these sponsors and communicate findings directly to them.


USAWC Resident Students – Contact your seminar faculty advisors if you are interested in joining an IRP team. Students receive full graduation credit for their capstone research requirement by participating in an IRP. Depending on the scope of the IRP, resident students may also earn elective credits and special designations for their transcripts.  Check with the IRP faculty leads for details. Watch the video below for more information.

Sponsors – Contact SSI if you are interested in sponsoring or supporting an upcoming IRP. Click here to email us.

AY24 Integrated Research Project Topics

Strategic Landpower in the 21st Century

Lead: Dr. Greg Cantwell

The Center for Strategic Leadership (CSL)

Focus: Landpower in Joint and Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) against a near-peer competitor. Future challenges to include: Homeland defense and all warfighting functions. Meets most graduation requirements. Findings to be briefed to senior leaders at the Strategic Landpower Symposium, 7-9 May 2024.

Sponsor(s): AUSA, DA G3/5/7, Army Futures Command, Mission Command COE

AI and Planning

Lead: Dr. Tony Pfaff
Strategic Studies Institute (SSI)
COL Chris Hickey (DMSPO)

Focus: Examine the role of AI in conducting planning for multi-MDO. AI can increase the speed of decision, learn about the operational environment, and increase the kinds of decisions it can facilitate. Drawing on lessons learned from 18th ABC’s Scarlet Dragon exercises, this project will address the optimal utility AI applications, human-machine teaming best practices, and machine-learning management.

Sponsor(s): 18th Airborne Corps

Preparing for Protracted War with the PLA in the Indo-Pacific

Lead: Dr. Jerad Harper
Dept. of Military Strategy, Planning, and Operations (DMSPO)

Focus: Examine the unique features of a protracted war in the Indo-Pacific.  What does it look like?  How do we prepare to fight and win a protracted conflict?  How can land forces generate options in conflict for policymakers and the joint force commander to expand the battlespace without nuclear escalation? What preparatory actions in campaigning enable these options?

Sponsor(s): Commanding General, US Army Pacific

The Military and Society, An Annual Survey

Lead: Dr. Carrie Lee

Dept. of National Security and Strategy (DNSS

Focus: Begin annual study of American society to understand broad factors that influence Americans’ “propensity to serve” and willingness to advocate for military service. Inaugural report will examine these correlations and set stage for analysis of the military and society to support the new Center for Civil-Military Relations at USAWC.

Sponsor(s): (tentative) OUSD Personnel and Readiness, Secretary of the Army

Ukraine War Lessons Learned

Lead: Dr. John Nagl
Dept. of Military Strategy, Planning, and Operations (DMSPO)

Focus: Examine combat effectiveness of Russian and Ukrainian militaries in the current conflict across all warfighting functions. Aim will be to shape doctrine, training, and Professional Military Education of Army leaders.

Sponsor(s): G2, US Army Training and Doctrine Command

IRP Archive

AY23 Integrated Research Project Topics

Developing, Employing, and Retaining a Highly Technical Force

Lead: COL Chad Bates

The Center for Strategic Leadership (CSL)

Focus: Study will focus on methods to improve how we Acquire, Develop, Employ, and Retain highly technical Soldiers and Civilians in different career fields like Cyber, Military Intelligence, Signal and those in assignments like the AI Task Force and DevOps Factory with Army Futures Command.  Will have access to existing data, create some new information, and utilize it to find recommendations for change – which will be included in papers and briefings to senior Army leadership.

Sponsor(s): US ARCYBER, Principle Cyber Advisor to SECARMY, Cyber COE

Leadership and Combat Power in Large Scale Combat Operations

Lead: Dr. John Nagl
Co-Lead: Prof. Al Lord

Department of Military Strategy, Planning, and Operations (DMSPO)

Focus: Examine the influence of leadership on combat effectiveness in the Russian and Ukrainian militaries during the current conflict there, with a particular emphasis on how losses of senior leaders affect combat performance. The conflict will be viewed through the six US Army War Fighting Functions (mission command, movement & maneuver, intelligence, fires, sustainment, and protection). The primary focus of the study will be on learning lessons to influence the Professional Military Education of Army leaders, particularly with reference to their agility and ability to replace senior commanders lost in combat.

Sponsor(s): Commanding General, US Army Training and Doctrine Command

The Military and Society, An Annual Survey

Lead: Dr. Carrie Lee
Co-Lead: Dr. Marybeth Ulrich

Department of National Security and Strategy (DNSS)

Focus: This IRP will begin an annual survey of American society that oversamples on veterans and military families, with the aim of understanding the broad factors that influence Americans’ “propensity to serve” and their willingness to advocate for military service. End product will be an inaugural report that aims to examine both immediate correlations between American public opinion and propensity to serve and set the stage for a longitudinal analysis that examines the relationship between the military and society.

Sponsor(s): Tentative: OUSD Personnel and Readiness, Secretary of the Army

Army Talent Management

Lead: Prof. Lou Yuengert louis.yuengert@armywarcollege.edu
Co-Lead: COL Thad Collard

Department of Command, Leadership, and Management (DCLM)

Focus: Talent Management is a priority for General McConville, Chief of Staff of the Army, and he stated, “The time is now to transform how we take care of our people”. This IRP will accept to 6 competitively selected USAWC students, who will work with the Army Talent Management Task Force and senior leaders (topic to be selected by groups). Information sessions will be held 23 and 24 August. If you are interested in an innovative and meaningful project helping the Army envision future Talent Management, then this project is for you.

Sponsor(s): Army Talent Management Task Force

Strategic Landpower in the 21st Century

Lead: Dr. Greg Cantwell
Co-Lead: MAJ Justin Magula

The Center for Strategic Leadership (CSL)

Focus: Continues from AY22. This IRP will provide a broadened appreciation of the U.S. Army capability gaps especially at the Service component level and potential solutions. Primary focus will be on the Theater Army’s role in Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) against a near-peer competitor and gaps between authorities, roles, and resources that impact ability to successfully implement the National Defense Strategy. Will also address challenges for the Army’s role in Homeland Defense and Homeland Security. Findings of this IRP to be briefed at the Strategic Landpower Symposium, Carlisle, PA on 9-11 May 2023.

Sponsor(s): AUSA, DA G3/5/7, Army Futures Command, Mission Command COE


The Application of Strategic Landpower in Cooperation and Competition

War Room Podcast, part 1 

War Room Podcast, part 2 

Watch the full video on YouTube 

Generalship at the National Strategic Level

AI Literacy in Practice and in PME

Strategy for National Security Emergencies

Talent Management
Contact COL Thad Collard to request copies:

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The Application of Strategic Landpower by the Theater Army
Watch on YouTube

Generalship at the National Strategic Level

Rethinking Competition, Deterrence, and Army Readiness
Click here to download PDF

Strategy for National Security Emergencies

Leading Science and Technology Development at the Strategic Level

Talent Management
Contact COL Thad Collard to request copies:

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An Army Transformed: Projecting Forward to beyond 2030 in the USPACOM AOR
Click here to download PDF

Striking the Balance: U.S. Army Force Posture in Europe, 2028
Click here to download PDF

Operational Framework to Enable Mission Command in all Domains of MDO
Click here to download PDF

What Kind of Army Does The Nation Need in 2035 And Beyond?
Click here to download PDF

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Indo-Pacific Future Force Posture: Getting to 2028 and Beyond
Visit Page

Global Threat Capabilities, Signatures, and Sensors
Contact Professor Kris Wheaton to request copies: kristan.wheaton@armywarcollege.edu

Estimation of Technology Convergence by 2035
Contact Professor Kris Wheaton to request copies: kristan.wheaton@armywarcollege.edu

Talent Management
Contact COL Thad Collard to request copies:

Theater Army in Multi-Domain Operations
Click here for PDF
Click here for our Podcast

Multi-Domain Operations Library Guide
Click here for PDF

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Contested Logistics

Contested Deployment
Click here for PDF

Recommendations for Success in Afghanistan
Click here for PDF

Friendly Force Dilemmas in Europe: Challenges Within and Among Intergovernmental Organizations and the Implications for the U.S. Army
Click here for PDF


Game on or Game Over: Hypercompetition and Military Advantage

Hypercompetition and Transient Advantage (INDO-PACIFIC Series)

Game On: Hypercompetition and Advantage in the PACOM AoR Year I Out-Brief to the LANPAC Symposium

Expeditionary Wartime Sustainment

Lessons Learned on Supporting Expeditionary Maneuver

Sustainment in a Future Combat Environment

Working Smarter: Considerations for the Army Installations of the Future
Click here for PDF


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Stabilization: A New Approach to Whole of Government Operational Planning and Execution
Click here for PDF

Avoiding the Trap: U.S. Strategy and Policy for Competing in the Asia-Pacific Beyond the Rebalance
Click here for PDF

Building Partner Capacity in Africa: Keys to Success
Click here for PDF

The Army’s Ability to Fight a Great Power War
Watch on YouTube

Rotational Deployments vs. Forward Stationing: How Can the Army Achieve Assurance and Deterrence Efficiently and Effectively?
Click here for PDF

Closer Than You Think: The Implications of the Third Offset Strategy for the U.S. Army
Click here for PDF

At Our Own Peril: DoD Risk Assessment in a Post-Primacy World
Click here for PDF

Elihu Root Study: The Total Army
Click here for PDF

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U.S.-China Competition: Asia-Pacific Land Force Implications
Click here for PDF

Outplayed: Regaining Strategic Initiative in the Gray Zone
Click here for PDF

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More Information

WATCH: US Army War College Students Discuss Their Experiences Working on IRPs