Home : SSI Media : Recent Publications
Category: Publications, Research & Commentary, Regional Issues, China Landpower Studies Center, European Security, INDOPACOM (Indo-Pacific Region), South & Latin America

The Advance of China and Authoritarian Populism in Honduras
June 9, 2023
The Advance of China and Authoritarian Populism in Honduras
R. Evan Ellis

The Trouble with China’s Global Civilization Initiative (on The Diplomat)
June 1, 2023
The Trouble with China’s Global Civilization Initiative (on The Diplomat)

Panama’s Popular Discontent Is Still Simmering
May 27, 2023
Panama’s Popular Discontent Is Still Simmering
R. Evan Ellis

Don’t Promise Ukraine NATO Membership Now
May 19, 2023
Don’t Promise Ukraine NATO Membership Now
John R. Deni
Bringing Kyiv into the alliance soon could harden Russia’s resolve, frustrate potential peace efforts, and play into the Kremlin’s propaganda.

PRC Engagement in Costa Rica (on CEEP)
May 18, 2023
PRC Engagement in Costa Rica (on CEEP)
R. Evan Ellis

Americans and the Dragon: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting from the Boxer Uprising
May 17, 2023
Americans and the Dragon: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting from the Boxer Uprising
Mitchell G. Klingenberg
US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press

Stress-Testing Chinese-Russian Relations
May 9, 2023
Stress-Testing Chinese-Russian Relations
Robert E. Hamilton

China’s Future Military Capabilities
April 26, 2023
China’s Future Military Capabilities by Roger Cliff

Challenges and Threats to Security in Latin America (ceeep.mil.pe)
March 6, 2023
Challenges and Threats to Security in Latin America (ceeep.mil.pe)

Trusting AI
February 8, 2023
Trusting AI: Integrating Artificial Intelligence into the Army’s Professional Expert Knowledge

PLA Logistics and Sustainment | PLA Conference 2022
January 20, 2023
PLA Logistics and Sustainment (PLA) Conference 2022
US Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press

Countering Terrorism on Tomorrow’s Battlefield
December 2, 2022
Countering Terrorism on Tomorrow’s Battlefield: Critical Infrastructure Security and Resiliency NATO COE-DAT Handbook 2 by Sarah J. Lohmann.