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May 1, 1998

The Case for Army XXI

By Mr John Gordon IV, Mr Peter A Wilson

Authors: Mr John Gordon IV, Mr Peter A Wilson

The authors believe there is a mix of extant and near-term combat systems and technologies that will allow the Army to create a number of "aero-motorized" divisions within likely budgetary constraints by the end of the next decade. These medium-weight combat units would exploit the large investment the Air Force is making to modernize its strategic and theater airlift fleets during the first decade of the 21st century. The authors believe that forces equipped with light armored vehicles, next generation combat aviation, and enhanced indirect fire support will provide the Army with a strategic "fist." Aero-motorized forces can be used either as part of a leading edge of a large and inherently slower to deploy expeditionary force or as a central combat component of future lesser contingencies including operations other than war. Finally, the aero-motorized concept will allow the Army to develop thoroughly the doctrine and concept of land-forces operations that have the strategic agility of current light forces and approach the combat power of current heavy forces--major features of a desired next generation Army.

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