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April 19, 2024

Resourcing the National Security Enterprise: Connecting the Ways and Means of US National Security

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Book Review: Resourcing the National Security Enterprise: Connecting the Ways and Means of US National SecurityBook Review: Resourcing the National Security Enterprise: Connecting the Ways and Means of US National Security

Edited by: Susan Bryant and Mark Troutma 

| Reviewed by Christopher Sandrolini, Foreign Service officer and professor, US Army War College | 

Foreign Service officer and US Army War College professor Christopher Sandrolini calls this anthology, which contextualizes the defense budget within federal spending, a “well-organized and lucid practical introduction to working within the confines of a bureaucracy.” He highlights and distills Bryant and Troutman’s main arguments, noting, “[m]astering these rules [of bureaucracy] is essential to turn strategies and policies into funded, viable programs.” He also discusses the book’s explanation of how the Department of Defense balances the “four pillars” framework (force structure, force posture, readiness, and modernization in developing strategy) and praises the book’s concluding recommendations, outlined in the review.

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Keywords: national security, budget, Department of State, Congress, PPBE process

Featured image: DoD Photo by Army Specialist Jessica Scott: “Soldiers from 1st Platoon, Copperhead Battery, 3rd Battalion, 7th Field Artillery, 25th Infantry Division, and from Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 25th Aviation Regiment, General Support Aviation Brigade, execute a two-gun air assault raid exercise at Pacific Missile Range Facility Barking Sands, Hawaii”, January, 2021 (https://www.dvidshub.net/image/6544428/3-7-fa-and-3-25-gsab-air-assault-exercise)