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Feb. 7, 2019

Contemporary Chemical Weapons Use in Syria and Iraq by the Assad Regime and the Islamic State

By Dr Robert J Bunker

Contemporary Chemical Weapons Use in Syria and Iraq by the Assad Regime and the Islamic StateAuthor: Dr Robert J Bunker

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This monograph focuses on an understudied, but yet a critically important and timely component of land warfare, related to the battlefield use of chemical weapons by contemporary threat forces. It will do so by focusing on two case studies related to chemical weapons use in Syria and Iraq by the Assad regime and the Islamic State. Initially, the monograph provides an overview of the chemical warfare capabilities of these two entities; discusses selected incidents of chemical weapons use each has perpetrated; provides analysis and lessons learned concerning these chemical weapons incidents, their programs, and the capabilities of the Assad regime and the Islamic State; and then presents U.S. Army policy and planning considerations on this topical areas of focus. Ultimately, such considerations must be considered vis-à-vis U.S. Army support of Joint Force implementation of National Command Authority guidance.

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