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Sept. 21, 2021

America Needs a Permanent Military Presence in the Baltics, and Here’s Why

By Dr. John R. Deni

Dr. John R. Deni, 2021 in Defense News

With the Defense Department weighing whether and how to change the U.S. military footprint overseas, it’s time to make the American military presence in the Baltic states durable. Maintaining merely periodic American boots on the ground, sometimes there and sometimes not — especially while a more permanent U.S. presence takes shape in nearby Poland — sends the wrong message at the wrong time to NATO’s most vulnerable allies and to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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Photo: An illumination round fired by the U.S. Army's 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment bathes a large area of a range at the Pabrade Training Area in Lithuania on on Jan. 22, 2021. (Sgt. Alexandra Shea/U.S. Army)