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Aug. 1, 2010

Preparing for a Mid-Term Assessment of Leadership and National Security Reform in the Obama Administration

By Mr Jared E Bennett, Dr Joseph R Cerami, Dr Robert H Dorff

Colloquium Brief CoverAuthors: Mr Jared E Bennett, Dr Joseph R Cerami, Dr Robert H Dorff
Key Insights:
• The initiatives for the extensive national security reform that is required to meet current threats will have to come from outside of the executive branch bureaucracy. This is true even though former senior members of the Project on National Security Reform are holding key executive branch positions.
• The 3-D’s (defense, diplomacy, development, as 3 overlapping circles) has been a harmful way to portray the capacities, requirements, and relationships for policy and operational effectiveness, especially in ongoing counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan. The current 3-D’s model is incorrect, as these functions are not properly represented by circles, are not the same size in terms of capacity and resources, and in many significant ways they do not overlap in several respects in the key areas necessary for effective integration, alignment, and coordination.
• The Obama Administration still has much work to do in organizing development efforts to focus on the need for stronger political, economic and social development structures, resources, and leadership. Given the ongoing efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is an urgent need for better defining the roles and responsibilities.
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