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Sept. 1, 2006

The Future of Transatlantic Security Relations

By Mr Patrick B Baetjer, Dr Joseph R Cerami, LTG Richard A Chilcoat

Authors: Mr Patrick B Baetjer, Dr Joseph R Cerami, LTG Richard A Chilcoat

A March 8, 2006 conference, on “The Future of the Transatlantic Relations,” addressed changes in US and European defense and foreign policy in the aftermath of the War in Iraq and in light of a new consensus for coordinating US and European military strategy, planning and operational activities. Texas A&M University’s Bush School of Government and Public Service, Bush Presidential Library Foundation, and European Union Center of Excellence, partnering with the Department of the Army’s Eisenhower National Security Series and the Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute, convened a conference of distinguished international experts from academic, military, governmental, and non-governmental organizations to examine key dimensions of this dynamic relationship, which has major implications for global as well as regional security.

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