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July 1, 2006

2006 Key Strategic Issues List (KSIL)

By Dr Antulio J Echevarria II

Author: Dr Antulio J Echevarria II

In today’s dynamic strategic environment, political changes can become challenges very quickly. Any list of key strategic issues must, therefore, include the broadest array of regional and functional concerns. This is a catalogue of significant issues, arranged as potential research topics, of concern to U.S. policymakers. KSIL entries are intended to be general enough for researchers to modify or expand appropriately, and to adapt to a variety of methodologies. While the list of general topics is broad, it is neither comprehensive nor restrictive. Researchers are encouraged to contact any of the SSI points of contact, or those found in the Expanded KSIL, for further information regarding their desired topics. These points of contact are not necessarily subject experts, but can recommend experts or additional sponsors.

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