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Tag: Jordan

Strategic Insights: Syria Safe Zones
January 9, 2017

Op-Ed: The West and the Durability and Problems of Monarchies in the Arab Spring
December 14, 2011

The Arab Spring and the Future of U.S. Interests and Cooperative Security in the Arab World
August 2, 2011

America’s Most Committed Muslim Ally
November 1, 2010
Cover for America's Most Committed Muslim Ally

Jordanian National Security and the Future of Middle East Stability
January 1, 2008

Treating Allies as Allies in the Arab World
June 1, 2007

Strategic Implications of Intercommunal Warfare in Iraq
February 1, 2005

Assessing the Impact of U.S.-Israeli Relations on the Arab World
July 1, 2003

Syria and the Peace: A Good Chance Missed
July 7, 1997

The Peace process, Phase One: Past Accomplishments, Future Concerns
January 3, 1997