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Parameters VOL. 48 NO. 1 SPRING 2018
June 25, 2018
— Editor: Dr Antulio J Echevarria IIFEATURES: Special Commentary. “Right vs. Right: Personal Beliefs vs. Professional Obligations” by Linell A. Letendre and Martin L. Cook. Illusions of Victory. "LTG MacFarland: Insights on Illusions of Victory and Iraq” by Russell W. Glenn. “Avoiding Nation-Building: From Nixon to Trump” by Dominic Tierney. 21st...
Strategic Insights: After the Smoke Clears in Syria: Dilemmas for U.S. Strategy Remain
May 18, 2018
— Dr. Christopher J. Bolan In the wake of recent U.S. and Israeli military strikes, the potential for expanded U.S. military engagement in the Syrian civil war is growing and U.S. policymakers will need to plot a smart strategic course ahead. In doing so, they will need to conduct an honest appraisal of America’s interests in Syria and wrestle with...
Strategic Insights: The Strategic Relevance of Latin America in the U.S. National Security Strategy
March 14, 2018
— Dr. José de Arimatéia da Cruz The much-anticipated National Security Strategy of the United States of America was released in December 2017 by President Donald J. Trump. The National Security Strategy is composed of four pillars and is applied in a regional context. How does the National Security Strategy view the Western Hemisphere? What are the...
Strategic Insights: Nuclear Posture Review: Three Reasons the Army Should Care
February 14, 2018
— Author: Dr Michael FitzsimmonsDebate over the Trump administration’s new Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) is now in full and predictable bloom. While many of its conclusions demonstrate continuity with the Obama administration’s modernization plans, controversy has centered on two of the review’s recommendations: to deploy new low-yield weapons on...
Avoiding the Trap: U.S. Strategy and Policy for Competing in the Asia-Pacific Beyond the Rebalance
February 6, 2018
— Editor: COL (R) Frederick J. Gellert, Dr David Lai, Prof John F TroxellView the Executive SummaryThe Trump administration has recently called for a free and open Indo-Pacific, essentially replacing the Obama-era “Rebalance.” This U.S. Army War College report provides prescient analysis and policy recommendations on how to proceed down the path to...
Strategic Insights: U.S.-China Relations: Avoiding the Traps
July 19, 2017
— Professor John F. TroxellMuch has been written about the rise of China and the tensions that this has put on the international system. The potential for conflict between the United States and China can be compared to the Peloponnesian War, as told by the ancient historian Thucydides, and the inevitability of that war because of Sparta’s fear of a...
SSI Live 65 – The NATO Summit and German Burden-Sharing – Dr. John R. Deni
May 23, 2017
— On 24-25 May, NATO heads of state and government will meet in Brussels. This will be President Trump’s first NATO summit, and although the meetings will lack the scope and number of initiatives and other deliverables many have come to expect from a formal alliance summit, there are some key, even contentious issues that will be addressed. In...
Strategic Insights: Strategic Questions Loom Large for President Trump in the Middle East
April 11, 2017
— Dr. Christopher J. Bolan“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” Sun TzuThe primary shortcoming of U.S. policymakers since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, has been a consistent inability to translate tactical and operational military successes into sustainable...