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Satellites in the Russia-Ukraine War 
August 21, 2024
Satellites in the Russia-Ukraine War
Satellites in the Russia-Ukraine War Ron Gurantz Satellites and counterspace systems have shown themselves to be important parts of modern warfare in the Russia-Ukraine War. This monograph examines the role of space and counterspace systems in the war, the effects of satellite proliferation and commercialization, and the restrictions placed on the use of space-based capabilities to prevent escalation.

Spies and Shuttles: NASA’s Secret Relationship with the DoD and CIA
September 21, 2023
Book Review by Carlos Barrera and Manuel Carranza of: 
Spies and Shuttles: NASA’s Secret Relationship with the DoD and CIA

Author: James E. David

Reviewed by Professor Carlos Barrera, Mexican Institute for Strategic Studies in National Security and Defence, and Manuel Carranza, defense and security affairs researcher

Starting with the 1957 launches of the Soviet Union’s Sputnik 1 and 2, James E. David’s autobiography “offers a cautionary tale on grandiloquent endeavors and highlights the need to prioritize planning over narrative” in space. David was a curator in the Division of Space History at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, which gave him access to newly declassified materials. He put this information to good use in Spies and Shuttles as he chronicles NASA’s history and impact.