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Talent Management
On Today's Recruiting Crisis
December 21, 2023
— Dr. Conrad C. Crane and Dr. Brian McAllister Linn address the Army’s recruiting crisis—especially for combat arms. Talent management was identified as an issue for the Army in 1907 in a General Staff report and continues to be a challenge. The results of the President’s Commission on an All-Volunteer Force in 1970 may have complicated matters further...
A Historical Perspective on Today’s Recruiting Crisis
September 28, 2023
— .article-body { max-width: 90% !important; }This podcast analyzes the US Army’s successive recruiting crises, identifying their consistent patterns and the efforts to resolve them, and makes three provocative arguments. First, there is a long-standing institutional tension between recruiting personnel for the combat arms and technical...
AI: Centaurs Versus Minotaurs—Who Is in Charge?
June 28, 2023
— Who is in charge when it comes to AI? People or machines? In this episode, Paul Scharre, author of the books Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War and the award-winning Four Battlegrounds: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, and Robert Sparrow, coauthor with Adam Henschke of “Minotaurs, Not Centaurs: The Future of Manned-Unmanned Teaming”...
Trusting AI: Integrating Artificial Intelligence into the Army’s Professional Expert Knowledge
June 22, 2023
— Integrating artificially intelligent technologies for military purposes poses a special challenge. In previous arms races, such as the race to atomic bomb technology during World War II, expertise resided within the Department of Defense. But in the artificial intelligence (AI) arms race, expertise dwells mostly within industry and academia. Also, unlike the development of the bomb, effective employment of AI...
Trusting AI
February 8, 2023
— Integrating artificially intelligent technologies for military purposes poses a special challenge. In previous arms races, such as the race to atomic bomb technology during World War II, expertise resided within the Department of Defense. But in the artificial intelligence (AI) arms race, expertise dwells mostly within industry and academia. Also,...
“Interrupting Bias in Army Talent Management”
April 4, 2022
— This article addresses the impact of diversity, equity, and inclusion on talent management. It explains how systemic bias impairs the US Army’s ability to harness cognitive diversity. It stresses the value of cognitive diversity among teams and senior leadership and how cumulative bias impacts the entire career cycle of an individual. It concludes by offering practical suggestions to reduce bias in the assignment, promotion, and selection processes. ...
Still Soldiers and Scholars? An Analysis of Army Officer Testing
December 15, 2017
— Authors: Dr Steven J. Condly, Dr Arthur T Coumbe, LTC William L SkimmyhornView the Executive Summary Still Soldiers and Scholars? sheds light on a neglected aspect of talent management, namely, officer accessions testing and evaluation. It does so by tracing the history of officer testing since 1900, identifying and analyzing key developments in...
Starting Strong: Talent-Based Branching of Newly Commissioned U.S. Army Officers
April 7, 2016
— Authors: LTC Michael J Colarusso, LTC Kenneth G Heckel, COL David S Lyle, LTC William L SkimmyhornView the Executive SummaryBecause the U.S. military's long-held advantage in physical capital and equipment is waning, cutting-edge human capital management is more critical than ever before. The authors of "Starting Strong" argue that by gathering...
Paid to Perform: Aligning Total Military Compensation with Talent Management, Vol. 8
June 30, 2015
— Authors: LTC Michael J Colarusso, COL Andrew O Hall, COL David S Lyle, Major Michael S Walker, Mr Roy A WallaceView the Executive Summary Transforming the U.S. military’s personnel management system is critical to long-run American national security interests, particularly as increasingly capable peer adversaries emerge. Talent management is...
Creating an Effective Regional Alignment Strategy for the U.S. Army
November 19, 2014
— Authors: Major Raven Bukowski, Major John Childress, LTC Michael J Colarusso, COL David S Lyle View the Executive SummaryAs the war in Afghanistan draws to a close, the Army increasingly is focused upon “regionally aligning” its forces. To do so effectively, however, it must undertake several initiatives. First, the Army must acknowledge and...
Senior Officer Talent Management: Fostering Institutional Adaptability
February 14, 2014
— Author: LTC Michael J Colarusso, COL David S Lyle View the Executive SummaryThe Army has for years been successful at creating senior leaders adept in the art and science of land combat after honing their leadership at the direct and organizational levels. While those experiences remain invaluable, undue reliance upon them to create the Army's...
Talent: Implications for a U.S. Army Officer Corps Strategy
November 1, 2009
— Authors: LTC Michael J Colarusso, COL David S Lyle, COL Casey Wardynski In our proposed Army Officer Corps Strategy, we established the interdependency of accessing, developing, retaining and employing talented leaders. Before exploring each of those functions in greater detail, however, we must first define “talent.” In our view, talent is...