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Tag: PLA Conference

Decisive Decade: PRC Global Strategy and the PLA as a Pacing Challenge – 2023 PLA Conference – Updated and Expanded
April 17, 2024
Decisive Decade: PRC Global Strategy and the PLA as a Pacing Challenge – 2023 PLA Conference – Updated and Expanded

Enabling a More Externally Focused and Operational PLA – 2020 PLA Conference Papers
July 27, 2022
Enabling a More Externally Focused and Operational PLA – 2020 PLA Conference Papers
US Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press

Exploring the “Right Size” for China’s Military: PLA Missions, Functions, and Organizations
February 1, 2007

The PLA Shapes the Future Security Environment
October 15, 2005

After the 16th Party Congress: The Civil and the Military
October 31, 2003

People’s Liberation Army After Next
August 1, 2000