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future force
AI, Trust, Culture, and the Military (Part 2)
May 28, 2024
— Contesting Paul Scharre’s influential vision of “centaur warfighting” and the idea that autonomous weapon systems will replace human warfighters, this podcast proposes that the manned-unmanned teams of the future are more likely to be minotaurs, teams of humans under the control, supervision, or command of artificial intelligence...
AI, Trust, Culture, and the Military (Part 1)
May 15, 2024
— Contesting Paul Scharre’s influential vision of “centaur warfighting” and the idea that autonomous weapon systems will replace human warfighters, this podcast proposes that the manned-unmanned teams of the future are more likely to be minotaurs, teams of humans under the control, supervision, or command of artificial intelligence. It examines the likely composition of the future force and prompts a necessary conversation about the ethical issues raised by minotaur warfighting. The guests also explore culture and trust in relation to AI and the military. ...
Parameters | Autumn 2023
August 25, 2023
— A Historical Perspective on Today’s Recruiting Crisis | A Call to Action: Lessons from Ukraine for the Future Force | The Strategic Importance of Taiwan to the United States and Its Allies: Part Two – A Focus on Policy since the Start of the Russia-Ukraine War | The Impact of Antarctic Treaty Challenges on the US Military | US-Russia Foreign Policy: Confronting Russia’s Geographic Anxieties |...
“Minotaurs, Not Centaurs: The Future of Manned-Unmanned Teaming”
April 12, 2023
— Contesting Paul Scharre’s influential vision of “centaur warfighting” and the idea that autonomous weapon systems will replace human warfighters, Sparrow and Henschke propose that the manned-unmanned teams of the future are more likely to be minotaurs—teams of humans under the control, supervision, or command of artificial intelligence. They examine the likely composition of the future force and prompt a necessary conversation about the ethical issues raised by minotaur warfighting. ...
Force Planning Considerations for Army XXI
February 1, 1998
— Author: Dr William T Johnsen The U.S. Army has moved along the path of preparing for the 21st century. This process began with the conceptual examinations and assessments carried out under the "Louisiana Maneuvers" and the Army's Battle Labs, and matured through the Force XXI process. The Army recently completed its first series of Advanced...
Ethnic Conflict: Implications for the Army of the Future
March 1, 1994
— Authors: Dr Gary L Guertner, Maj Gen William A Stofft Ethnic conflict is an ascendant phenomenon replacing ideology as a social force most likely to promote violence and regional instability. The ferocity of ethnic violence and its potential for escalation increase the political pressures for U.S. leadership and collective engagement. The U.S. Army...