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Assessing the Effectiveness of US Army Campaigning in the Indo-Pacific
January 8, 2025
— Applying the military instrument of power is essential to deterrence and assurance in the Indo-Pacific. This essay explores the underappreciated application of Landpower in this critical region and assesses the effects of a few activities that assure allies and partners and deter the People’s Republic of China. The discreet examples in this short article hopefully provide a better foundation for understanding military dynamics in the region and allow for better future assessments of integrated deterrence efforts...
“A Baseline Assessment of the PLA Army's Border Reinforcement Operations in the Aksai Chin”
September 24, 2024
— In episode 18 of CLSC Dialogues, Josh Arostegui interviews prominent China expert Dennis Blasko on his analysis of PLA Army and Boader Defense Unit activity along the Line of Actual Control between China and India. He describes the development of infrastructure that allows the PLA to maintain a more robust forward presence. He further describes...
Protracted War Series: A Discussion with Markus Garlauskas
August 26, 2024
— In episode 17 of CLSC Dialogues, Markus Garlauskas discusses why we should think about the potential for a protracted war in the Indo-Pacific and what lessons we should be learning from analyzing the topic. He talks about why we should think about the likelihood of a potential protracted war should peace break in a place like Taiwan and why preparedness...
Protracted War Series: A Discussion with COL Marco Lyons
August 20, 2024
— In episode 16 of CLSC Dialogues, COL Marco Lyons discusses how the Pacific Army sees, understands, and utilizes landpower in the region from peacetime to a potential protracted war. He further articulates how the U.S. Army, Pacific conducts campaigning, prepares for crisis, deters conflict – and prevails in a protracted war, if necessary, in this unique region...
Protracted War Series: A discussion with Dr. Sheena Greitens
August 8, 2024
— In episode 15 of CLSC Dialogues, Dr. Sheena Greitens looks at the potential for a protracted war between the US and China by exploring how a conflict could start and variables the CCP leadership may be watching. She then addresses public perceptions, economic dimensions, and how much planning Beijing may have done in preparation for a protracted war. Keywords: China, CCP, Xi Jinping, PLA, decision making, landpower, protracted war, economic warfare, coalitions, DPRK, Russia...
Protracted War Series: A Discussion with Josh Arostegui
July 18, 2024
— In episode 14 of CLSC Dialogues, Josh Arostegui discusses some of the more salient points regarding how prepared the PRC is for a protracted war. He describes how the PLA remains designed to execute large-scale combat operations through the existence of unique PLA reserve, militia-centric organizations, and deep military integration within the country’s civilian infrastructure...
An Interview with Dennis Blasko
July 15, 2024
— In episode 13 of CLSC Dialogues, Josh Arostegui, and Rick Gunnell interview renowned China expert Dennis Blasko. They discuss the origins of Blasko's interest in China and the PLA, then delve into his research and writing on Chinese landpower. Blasko provides wisdom and insight China watchers as they continue the tradition of researching, analyzing, and educating. ...
"Building a Purposeful Research Agenda”
June 18, 2024
— The China Landpower Studies Center Director Richard Butler and Joshua Arostegui, the center’s research director and chair, discuss the center’s research agenda. Previously, Butler outlined the center’s mission and how the research agenda answers large campaign questions across the perspectives of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the United States, and US allies and partners. ...
Review and Reply: On “Why America’s Army Can’t Win America’s Wars”
March 13, 2023
— Since achieving victory in World War II, the United States military has a less than enviable combat record in irregular warfare. This exchange provides differing perspectives on where past decisions and doctrines have led to defeat and where they may have succeeded if given more time or executed differently. This episode responds to John A. Nagl’s article, “Why America’s Army Can’t Win America’s Wars,” published in the Autumn 2022 issue of Parameters (vol. 52, no. 3). ...
“Why America’s Army Can’t Win America’s Wars”
August 10, 2022
— Since achieving victory in World War II, the United States military has a less than enviable combat record in irregular warfare. Through a detailed historical analysis, this article provides perspective on where past decisions and doctrines have led to defeat and where they may have succeeded if given more time or executed differently. In doing so, it provides lessons for future Army engagements and argues that until America becomes proficient in irregular warfare, our enemies will continue to fight us at the lower levels of the spectrum of conflict, where they have a good chance of exhausting our will to fight...
Conventional Deterrence and Landpower in Northeastern Europe
March 7, 2019
— Authors: Michael A. Hunzeker, Alexander LanoszkaView the Executive Summary The United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) face daunting challenges in the Baltic region. Russia is behaving aggressively. Its military is more capable than it has been at any point since the end of the Cold War. More importantly, Russia is finding...
The U.S. Army in the Iraq War — Volume 2: Surge and Withdrawal, 2007-2011
January 17, 2019
— Authors: COL Joel D. Rayburn, COL Frank K. SobchakView the Executive Summary The Iraq War has been the costliest U.S. conflict since the Vietnam War. To date, few official studies have been conducted to review what happened, why it happened, and what lessons should be drawn. The U.S. Army in the Iraq War is the Army’s initial operational level...