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Southeast Asia
The Air War in Vietnam
September 21, 2023
— 76th Birthday of Air Force | Book Review: The Air War in Vietnam Author: Michael E. Weaver | Reviewed by Vince Alcazar, Air Force (retired) planner and fighter pilot, Department of Defense | The Air War in Vietnam addresses President Lyndon B. Johnson’s administration’s use of airpower (or lack of it) and why American airpower underperformed, as...
Asia-Pacific: A Strategic Assessment
May 28, 2013
— Author: Dr David Lai View the Executive SummaryDr. David Lai provides a timely assessment of the geostrategic significance of Asia-Pacific. His monograph is also a thought-provoking analysis of the U.S. strategic shift toward the region and its implications. Dr. Lai judiciously offers the following key points. First, Asia-Pacific, which covers...
The United States and ASEAN-China Relations: All Quiet on the Southeast Asian Front
October 1, 2007
— Author: Dr Ian Storey While the overall security situation in Southeast Asia is something of a mixed bag, with grounds for both optimism and pessimism, one of the most encouraging trends in recent years has been the development of ASEAN’s relations with major external powers. Relations between China and ASEAN in particular have demonstrated a...
ASEAN and Its Security Offspring: Facing New Challenges
September 1, 2007
— Author: Dr Sheldon W Simon Southeast Asian states within ASEAN agree that security relations with the great powers are best achieved by enmeshing the latter in ASEAN procedures. The primary goal of ASEAN is that China, Japan, the United States, and India commit to maintaining Southeast Asia's autonomy, integrity, and prosperity. ASEAN is less...
Natural Allies? Regional Security in Asia and Prospects for Indo-American Strategic Cooperation
October 1, 2005
— Author: Dr Stephen J Blank One of the hallmarks of the two Bush administrations' foreign and defense policies has been a growing rapprochement with India. Indeed, in June 2005 the U.S. Government signed a defense agreement with that country. In part, this rapprochement is driven by and coincides with India's increasingly visible role as a major...
Contending Perspectives: Southeast Asia and American Views on a Rising China
September 10, 2005
— Author: Ms Corazon S Foley The State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), the National Bureau of Asian Research, the Institute for Defence and Strategic Studies of Singapore, and the U.S. Army War College conducted a colloquium on Southeast Asia and American views of China in August 2005 in Singapore. The event brought together...
Balik Terrorism: The Return of the Abu Sayyaf
September 1, 2005
— Author: Dr Zachary Abuza The author warns that despite the regeneration of the ASG as a bonafide terrorist organization, the primary security threat confronting the GRP comes from the Communist Party of the Philippines and their armed wing, the New People's Army. To that end, the GRP will focus on the ASG and MILF in as much as they expect it to...
It’s Asia (Again)
January 1, 2005
— Author: Dr Andrew Scobell Each month a member of the SSI faculty writes an editorial for our monthly newsletter. This is the Op-Ed for the January 2005 newsletter.Read Now
Avoiding Vietnam: The U.S. Army’s Response to Defeat in Southeast Asia
September 1, 2002
— Author: Dr Conrad C Crane As American operations against terrorism spread around the globe to places like Afghanistan and the Philippines, an increasing tendency has been for commentators to draw parallels with past experience in Vietnam. Even soldiers on the ground have begun to speak in such terms. The author analyzes the Army's response to that...