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Tag: George S. Patton

Parameters | Winter 2023–24
November 20, 2023
Welcome to the Winter 2023–24 issue of Parameters. 

This issue consists of two In Focus commentaries which bring to light observations from the Russia-Ukraine War, two forums addressing deterrence and strategic influence, and the inaugural Director’s Corner for the China Landpower Studies Center (CLSC). 

Keywords: deterrence; Ukraine; Russia; Putin; NATO; unmanned aerial systems; deep strike; reconnaissance-strike complex; electronic warfare; Russia-Ukraine War; nuclear; misperception; Russia; multidomain operations; freedom to roam; grand strategy; offshore balancing; offensive realism; regional hegemony; stopping power of water; Middle East; integrated deterrence; strategy; Cold War; flexible response; New Look; economic interests; globalization; strategic competition; multinational exercises; bilateral exercises; reflexive control; strategic behavior; strategic analysis; nonlinearity; complex adaptive system; civil-military relations; general officers; promotions; flag officers; political participation; People’s Liberation Army; Chinese Communist Party; Belt and Road Initiative; China; Landpower; security assistance; Iran; Operation Iraqi Freedom; Operation Enduring Freedom; Bill Clinton; George W. Bush; Barack Obama; Civil War; Army of Tennessee; John B. Hood; William Tecumseh Sherman; Battle of Atlanta; Close Combat Lethality Task Force; Secretary of Defense General James N. Mattis; Iraq; Vicksburg Campaign; Ulysses S. Grant; William T. Sherman; Chickasaw Bayou; World War I; World War II; W. E. B. Du Bois; Talented Tenth; 1920s; citizen-soldier; National Guard; modern Army; Harry S. Truman; atomic bomb; Japan; nuclear war; North Korea; George W. Bush; Kim Il-Sung; Kim Jong-Un; China; Xi Jinping; Chinese Dream; authoritarianism; diplomacy; Samuel P. Huntington; Carl von Clausewitz; Dwight D. Eisenhower; George S. Patton; Kenneth Payne; Jan Smuts; South Africa; World War I in Africa; German South West Africa; German East Africa

Team America: Patton, MacArthur, Marshall, Eisenhower, and the World They Forged
August 29, 2023
Book Review by Wylie W. Johnson: Team America: Patton, MacArthur, Marshall, Eisenhower, and the World They Forged

Author: Robert L. O’Connell

Reviewed by Rev. Dr. Wylie W. Johnson, US Army War College class of 2010

Although early twentieth-century America’s Army was small, meagerly funded, short on equipment, and rife with other struggles, it saw the rise of great leaders. Team America: Patton, MacArthur, Marshall, Eisenhower, and the World They Forged focuses on four of them. They came from different backgrounds, yet “Together they accounted for 19 stars; together they brought about victory in their generation. Two became Chief of Staff of the Army. One rose to become the US Commander in Chief.

The Panzer Killers: The Untold Story of a Fighting General and His Spearhead Tank Division’s Charge into the Third Reich 
May 16, 2023
Military History
Book Review: The Panzer Killers: The Untold Story of a Fighting General and His Spearhead Tank Division’s Charge into the Third Reich
Author: Daniel P. Bolger
Reviewed by Rev. Dr. Wylie W. Johnson, US Army War College class of 2010

The Panzer Killers follows the story of World War II Major General Maurice Rose, chronicling his humble beginnings through his rise to being a decorated and accomplished Army commander who led by example.

Keywords: World War II, 3rd Armor Division, Battle of the Bulge, George S. Patton, Spearhead Division

Read now: https://press.armywarcollege.edu/parameters_bookshelf/8

USAWC Quarterly: Parameters – Autumn 2019
September 20, 2019
USAWC Quarterly: Parameters – Autumn 2019