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Strategia: A Primer on Theory and Strategy for Students of War
August 29, 2023
Book Review by Phillip Dolitsky: Strategia: A Primer on Theory and Strategy for Students of War

Author: Charles S. Oliviero

Reviewed by Phillip Dolitsky, master’s student at the School of International Service, American University

Strategia: A Primer on Theory and Strategy for Students of War poses the question “What is the true nature of war?” According to the author, even after studying war for 2,000 years, it is still misunderstood. Topics include war on land, war at sea, and war in the air. The reviewer notes that several relevant strategists names are noticeably absent from the work, including J. C. Wylie, Raymond Aron, Colin S. Gray, and Edward N. Luttwak, and even Thucydides.

Parameters VOL. 47 NO. 2 SUMMER 2017
August 28, 2017
Parameters VOL. 47 NO. 2 SUMMER 2017

Strategic Insights: U.S.-China Relations: Avoiding the Traps
July 19, 2017

Thucydides Was Right: Defining the Future Threat
April 3, 2015
Mastering the Gray Zone: Understanding a Changing Era of Conflict