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The Strategic Use of Force in Counterinsurgency: Find, Fix, Fight
May 16, 2023
Irregular Warfare
Book Review: The Strategic Use of Force in Counterinsurgency: Find, Fix, Fight
Author: Miles Kitts
Reviewed by Dr. José de Arimatéia da Cruz, professor of international relations and comparative politics, Georgia Southern University, and visiting professor, Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College

Focusing on the use of force and insurgency, the reviewer assesses the author’s question, “Does either neoclassicism or revisionism adequately address how to evaluate the utility of force in counterinsurgency and the prescriptions which should come from it?”

Keywords: counterinsurgency, Parmenidean fallacy, Cold War, strategy, reflective action

Read Now: https://press.armywarcollege.edu/parameters_bookshelf/10