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Multi-Domain Operations
Contested Deployment
April 7, 2022
— Bert B. Tussing, John Eric Powell, and Benjamin C. LeitzelAs indicated in the 2018 National Defense Strategy and evolving Multi-Domain Operations doctrine, the assumption the homeland will provide a secure space for mobilization and deployment is no longer valid. This integrated research project goes beyond affirming this assumption and contributes...
“Defeat Mechanisms in Modern Warfare”
December 27, 2021
— This article explores the current debate about service and Joint operating concepts, starting with the Army’s multi-domain operations concept. It argues for adaptations to an old operational design technique—defeat mechanisms; updates to Joint and service planning doctrine; and discipline regarding emerging concepts. Rather than debate over attrition versus maneuver, combinations of a suite of defeat mechanisms should be applied to gain victory in the future. ...
Mission Command of Multi-Domain Operations
September 2, 2020
— Mark Balboni, John A. Bonin, Robert Mundell, Doug Orsi, 2020This research monograph explores the Army’s emerging concept of multi-domain operations and its implications on the mission command approach. The transition to multi-domain operations changes the traditional view of how Army commanders and staffs conduct operations in the physical...
Commentary on “The US Army in Multi-Domain Operations 2028”
April 3, 2020
— Author: Huba Wass de CzegeDoes The US Army in Multi-Domain Operations 2028 lack a clear theory of victory? A comparative analysis of the development of MDO and the historical concepts of Active Defense and AirLand Battle reveals the necessity of greater insight into sources of Russian and Chinese behavior and countering mechanisms, what constitutes...
A Modern Army Reserve for a Multi-Domain World: Structural Realities and Untapped Potential
October 23, 2019
— Author: Major General Lewis G. IrwinView the Executive Summary This monograph identifies challenges and opportunities in today’s US Army Reserve. Since its inception in 1908, the Army Reserve has made important, diverse, and cost-effective contributions to the Army and the Joint Force and has shown the ability to adapt in profound ways to meet...
The Land, Space, and Cyberspace Nexus: Evolution of the Oldest Military Operations in the Newest Military Domains
March 27, 2018
— Author: Mr Jeffrey L CatonView the Executive SummaryOver the last century, the domains of air, space, and cyberspace have joined the traditional warfighting domains of land and sea. While the doctrine for land operations is relatively mature, the doctrine for space and cyberspace continue to evolve, often in an unstructured manner. This monograph...