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21st Century
A Modern Army Reserve for a Multi-Domain World: Structural Realities and Untapped Potential
October 23, 2019
— Author: Major General Lewis G. IrwinView the Executive Summary This monograph identifies challenges and opportunities in today’s US Army Reserve. Since its inception in 1908, the Army Reserve has made important, diverse, and cost-effective contributions to the Army and the Joint Force and has shown the ability to adapt in profound ways to meet...
Parameters VOL. 48 NO. 4 Winter 2018-19
May 6, 2019
— Editor: Dr Antulio J Echevarria II FEATURES: Special Commentary "Civil-Military Relations and Today’s Policy Environment" by Thomas N. Garner.Coercion: New Means & Methods"Social Media Warriors: Leveraging a New Battlespace" by Buddhika B. Jayamaha and Jahara Matisek."Multidimensionality: Rethinking Power Projection for the 21st Century" by David...
Parameters VOL. 48 NO. 1 SPRING 2018
June 25, 2018
— Editor: Dr Antulio J Echevarria IIFEATURES: Special Commentary. “Right vs. Right: Personal Beliefs vs. Professional Obligations” by Linell A. Letendre and Martin L. Cook. Illusions of Victory. "LTG MacFarland: Insights on Illusions of Victory and Iraq” by Russell W. Glenn. “Avoiding Nation-Building: From Nixon to Trump” by Dominic Tierney. 21st...
Parameters VOL. 47 NO. 2 SUMMER 2017
August 28, 2017
— Editor: Dr Antulio J Echevarria II The Summer issue of Parameters opens with an essay by Sir Lawrence Freedman entitled “Beyond Surprise Attack.” Surprise, argues Freedman, can come in any number of forms, and sometimes those that come in the middle or end of a campaign prove the most decisive.Our first forum, Reevaluating Diplomatic & Military...
Transforming the Force: The 11th Air Assault Division (Test) from 1963 to 1965
June 27, 2017
— Author: Brigadier General Thomas C. GravesView the Executive Summary This monograph will answer the question: Can the U.S. Army apply to the current “prototype brigade” the lessons that were learned during the development and experimentation of the 11th Air Assault Division (Test)? Having established that the criteria of DTLOMS is a valuable tool...
21st-Century Challenges of Command: A View from the Field
May 31, 2017
— Author: Dr Anna SimonsView the Executive Summary Leadership receives a tremendous amount of attention, but what about the day-to-day command challenges that confront O-4s, O-5s, and O-6s in today’s war zones? What has command entailed over the past decade and a half for special operations force (SOF) commanders who have deployed to Afghanistan (and...
First Things First for Future Defense Strategy
May 27, 2015
— Mr. Nathan P. Freier, Ms. Laura McAleer The Department of Defense (DoD) will face a dramatic and sustained transition period over the next decade. At no other time in recent memory have American defense strategists faced such a dizzying and complex array of challenges like those which they will be required to direct their attention, energy, and...
Strategic Landpower Task Force Research Report
October 3, 2013
— Dr. Steven MetzAcknowledgement. The author would like to thank Frank Hoffman of the National Defense University for major contributions to this report. Introduction. The 21st-century security environment compels the United States to develop more effective and efficient ways to promote its national interests. This includes refining...
A Transatlantic Bargain for the 21st Century: The United States, Europe, and the Transatlantic Alliance
September 30, 2013
— Author: Dr Ellen HallamsView the Executive Summary In the 21st century, the transatlantic bargain that has framed the relationship between the United States and its NATO allies is under more scrutiny than ever before. In a changed geopolitical environment, one characterized by the complexity of modern military operations, the growing power of...
Talking Past Each Other? How Views of U.S. Power Vary between U.S. and International Military Personnel
February 1, 2013
— Author: COL Richard H M Outzen View the Executive SummaryThe 21st century U.S. military seldom operates alone. Except for initial entry and organizational training, it works almost always with and through foreign partners. Yet over the past decade, anecdotal evidence suggests that U.S. military organizations and personnel have trouble...
The Promise and Pitfalls of Grand Strategy
August 1, 2012
— Author: Dr Hal Brands What is “grand strategy,” and why is it seemingly so important and so difficult? This monograph explores the concept of grand strategy as it has developed over the past several decades. It explains why the concept is so ubiquitous in discussions of present-day foreign policy, examines why American officials often find the...
Culture, Identity, and Information Technology in the 21st Century: Implications for U.S. National Security
August 1, 2012
— Author: Dr Pauline Kusiak While it is impossible to predict the values and beliefs of future generations, a modest forecast is made by tracing global trends in the use of language and media, as well as in the use of information and communication technologies. The potential implications of these culture and identity trends for the strength of the...