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Tag: US Influence

Friendly Force Dilemmas in Europe: Challenges Within and Among Intergovernmental Organizations and the Implications for the U.S. Army
May 23, 2018
Cover for Friendly Force Dilemmas in Europe: Challenges Within and Among Intergovernmental Organizations and the Implications for the U.S. Army

Strategic Insights: The "U.S. Factor" in China's Problems
October 25, 2016
Cover for Strategic Insights: The "U.S. Factor" in China's Problems

The Real Rebalancing: American Diplomacy and the Tragedy of President Obama’s Foreign Policy
October 26, 2015
The Real Rebalancing: American Diplomacy and the Tragedy of President Obama’s Foreign Policy

The Limits of Offshore Balancing
September 24, 2015
The Limits of Offshore Balancing

The Growling Bear or “Why The Army Owes Mr. Putin a Favor”
March 2, 2015

Understanding the North Korea Problem: Why It Has Become the “Land of Lousy Options”
July 1, 2011
Improvised Explosive Devices in Iraq, 2003-09: A Case of Operational Surprise and Institutional Response

The United States and ASEAN-China Relations: All Quiet on the Southeast Asian Front
October 1, 2007

Breaking Away from the Bear
August 1, 1998