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Western Hemisphere
Strategic Insights: The Strategic Relevance of Latin America in the U.S. National Security Strategy
March 14, 2018
— Dr. José de Arimatéia da Cruz The much-anticipated National Security Strategy of the United States of America was released in December 2017 by President Donald J. Trump. The National Security Strategy is composed of four pillars and is applied in a regional context. How does the National Security Strategy view the Western Hemisphere? What are the...
Strategic Insights: The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) and Trinidad and Tobago: Establishing a Dangerous Presence in the Western Hemisphere
May 13, 2016
— Dr. José de Arimatéia da Cruz In his National Security Strategy (February 2015), President Barack Obama stated that, “the threat of catastrophic attacks against our homeland by terrorists has diminished but still persists . . . Our adversaries are not confined to a distinct country or region. Instead, they range from South Asia through the Middle...
Strategic Insights: The Dragon in the Tropics: China’s Military Expansion into the Western Hemisphere
September 30, 2014
— Dr. José de Arimatéia da Cruz A prosperous and stable China will not be a threat to any country. It will only be a positive force for world peace. Vice President Xi Jinping, 2012 Despite the fact that Latin America has been an area of U.S. influence since 1823...
New Realities: Energy Security in the 2010s and Implications for the U.S. Military
December 30, 2013
— Dr. Robert J. Bunker, LTC John D. Colwell, JrRevolutionary changes among energy producers and dramatically altered patterns of energy consumption across the planet are having profound implications for American national security in general and the U.S. Army specifically. For example, the reduced saliency of Africa and the Middle East as energy...
2011-2012 U.S. Army War College Key Strategic Issues List (KSIL)
September 19, 2011
— Dr. Antulio J. Echevarria, IIUpdate: The PDF of the KSIL is now available.Topics with an * are from Headquarters Department of the Army G-3/5 and G-4ForewordThe Key Strategic Issues List (KSIL) is published annually for the purpose of making students and other researchers aware of strategic topics that are, or should be, of special importance to...
A New Chapter in Trans-American Engagement
September 1, 2010
— Authors: Ms Eva Silkwood Baker, Dr Max G Manwaring Key insights developed from the issues discussed at the 2010 Western Hemisphere Security Colloquium include:• The need to advance regional understanding of the contemporary security partnership situation in the Hemisphere: An educational and conceptual requirement;• The need to foster a broader...
China’s Expansion into and U.S. Withdrawal from Argentina’s Telecommunications and Space Industries and the Implications for U.S. National Security
September 1, 2007
— Author: Ms Janie Hulse Chinese involvement in the Latin American telecommunications and space industries has implications for U.S. national security. Unlike other commercial activities geared toward supplying raw materials to China’s 1.3 billion inhabitants, Chinese investment in space and telecommunications implies broader commercial and strategic...
U.S. National Security Implications of Chinese Involvement in Latin America
June 1, 2005
— Author: Dr R Evan Ellis Ultimately, this monograph argues that increasing Chinese engagement with Latin America will make the nation both a powerful competitor and a potential partner for the United States in the Western Hemisphere. On one hand, China with major investments in Latin America and dependence on its material flows is likely to be a...
Strategic Opportunities: Charting New Approaches to Defense and Security Challenges in the Western Hemisphere
May 23, 2005
— Author: Dr Max G Manwaring The Latin American and Caribbean Center of Florida International University, the U.S. Southern Command, and the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College held the eighth in a series of major annual conferences dealing with security matters in the Western Hemisphere in Coral Gables, Florida, on March 9-11,...
Hemispheric Strategic Objectives for the Next Decade
May 11, 2004
— Author: Dr Max G Manwaring The Latin American and Caribbean Center of Florida International University, the U.S. Southern Command, and the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College held the seventh in a series of major annual conferences dealing with security matters in the Western Hemisphere, in Miami, Florida, on March 17-19, 2004...
U.S. Security Strategies: Trade Policy Implications for Latin America
April 14, 2004
— Author: Dr Max G Manwaring The Summit of the Americas Center and Latin American and Caribbean Center of Florida International University, and the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College held the first of a series of mini-conferences dealing with security issues in the Western Hemisphere in Miami, Florida, on February 26, 2004. The...
Building Regional Security Cooperation in the Western Hemisphere: Issues and Recommendations
October 1, 2003
— Authors: COL Wendy Fontela, Dr Mary Grizzard, Dr Max G Manwaring, Mr Dennis M Rempe Dr. Max Manwaring and his team of conference rapporteurs have generated a substantive set of issues and recommendations. They have provided a viable means by which to begin the implementation of serious hemispheric security cooperation. Additionally, we have...