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Tag: Strategy Conference

Colloquium Brief: U.S. Army War College 25th Annual Strategy Conference Carlisle, Pennsylvania, April 8-10, 2014 — Balancing the Joint Force to Meet Future Security Challenges
November 15, 2016

Challenges and Options in the Caucasus and Central Asia
April 22, 1997

Shaping China’s Future in World Affairs: The U.S. Role
April 1, 1996

The Fog of Peace: The Military Dimensions of the Concert of Europe
June 9, 1995

Time’s Cycle and National Military Strategy: The Case for Continuity in a Time of Change
June 1, 1995

Canada, Getting It Right This Time the 1994 Defence White Paper
May 31, 1995

Two Historians in Technology and War
July 1, 1994

Another View of the Revolution in Military Affairs
July 1, 1994

The Revolution in Military Affairs: A Framework for Defense Planning
June 1, 1994

Whither the RMA: Two Perspectives on Tomorrow’s Army
June 1, 1994