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Tag: Regional Security

The Quest for Military Cooperation in North Africa: Prospects and Challenges
October 1, 2016
Cover for The Quest for Military Cooperation in North Africa: Prospects and Challenges

An Arab NATO in the Making? Middle Eastern Military Cooperation Since 2011
September 1, 2016
Cover for An Arab NATO in the Making? Middle Eastern Military Cooperation Since 2011

Turkey’s New Regional Security Role: Implications for the United States
September 1, 2014
Monograph Cover - Red

Russia and the Current State of Arms Control
September 1, 2012
Cover for Russia and the Current State of Arms Control

A New Chapter in Trans-American Engagement
September 1, 2010
Cover for A New Chapter in Trans-American Engagement

Chinese Energy Security: The Myth of the PLAN’s Frontline Status
August 1, 2010
Cover for An Army Transformed: The U.S. Army's Post-Vietnam Recovery and the Dynamics of Change in Military Organizations

Russia, Iran, and the Nuclear Question: The Putin Record
November 1, 2006

The Future of Transatlantic Security Relations
September 1, 2006

Current and Future Challenges for Asian Nonproliferation Export Controls: A Regional Response
October 1, 2004

China and Strategic Culture
May 1, 2002

The Intervention Debate: Towards a Posture of Principled Judgment
January 1, 2002

The United States and Latin America: Shaping an Elusive Future
March 1, 2000