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Tag: Stability

Strategic Insights: The Coming Perfect Storm of Europe
April 15, 2016
Cover for Strategic Insights: The Coming Perfect Storm of Europe

India’s Changing Afghanistan Policy: Regional and Global Implications
December 1, 2012
Cover for India's Changing Afghanistan Policy: Regional and Global Implications

Ambassador Stephen Krasner’s Orienting Principle for Foreign Policy (and Military Management)—Responsible Sovereignty
April 27, 2012
Cover for Ambassador Stephen Krasner's Orienting Principle for Foreign Policy (and Military Management)—Responsible Sovereignty

Short of General War: Perspectives on the Use of Military Power in the 21st Century
April 1, 2010

Security and Stability in Africa: A Development Approach
January 1, 2010

Stability Operations and State Building: Continuities and Contingencies
October 1, 2008

From the New Middle Ages to a New Dark Age: The Decline of the State and U.S. Strategy
June 1, 2008

Jordanian National Security and the Future of Middle East Stability
January 1, 2008

Regional Fears of Western Primacy and the Future of U.S. Middle Eastern Basing Policy
December 1, 2006

Growing U.S. Security Interests in Central Asia
October 1, 2002

Nonstate Actors in Colombia: Threat and Response
May 1, 2002

Opening Pandora’s Box: Ethnicity and Central Asian Militaries
October 1, 1998