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Tag: Defense Policy

Old and New Insurgency Forms
March 1, 2016
Monograph Cover - Dark Green

Foreign Policy Continuity: War Finds Us
March 1, 2010
Cover for Foreign Policy Continuity: War Finds Us

The 2006 Lebanon Campaign and the Future of Warfare: Implications for Army and Defense Policy
September 1, 2008

Transforming to Effects-Based Operations: Lessons from the United Kingdom Experience
January 1, 2008

Russian Defense Reform: Current Trends
November 1, 2006

The NATO-Russia Partnership: A Marriage of Convenience or a Troubled Relationship?
November 1, 2006

Alliances and American National Security
October 1, 2006

Afghanistan and the Future of Warfare: Implications for Army and Defense Policy
November 1, 2002

Canada, Getting It Right This Time the 1994 Defence White Paper
May 31, 1995

Trends in German Defense Policy: The Defense Policy Guidelines and the Centralization of Operational Control
June 1, 1994

Japan’s Self-Defense Forces: What Dangers to Northeast Asia?
May 1, 1994