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Tag: Army Transformation

Veteran Disability Compensation and the Army Profession: Good Intentions Gone Awry
February 2, 2021
Cover for Veteran Disability Compensation and the Army Profession: Good Intentions Gone Awry

Mission Command of Multi-Domain Operations
September 2, 2020
Cover for Mission Command of Multi-Domain Operations

Beyond the Battlefield: Institutional Army Transformation Following Victory in Iraq
November 1, 2012
Cover for Beyond the Battlefield: Institutional Army Transformation Following Victory in Iraq

Lead Me, Follow Me, Or Get Out of My Way: Rethinking and Refining the Civil-Military Relationship
September 1, 2012
Cover for Lead Me, Follow Me, Or Get Out of My Way: Rethinking and Refining the Civil-Military Relationship

How to Make Army Force Generation Work for the Army’s Reserve Components
August 1, 2006

Stifled Innovation? Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders Today
April 1, 2002

The Evolution in Military Affairs: Shaping the Future U.S. Armed Forces
June 16, 1997