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Evolution of the Latin American Strategic Environment and the Posture of its Security Forces
January 14, 2025
— The security environment in Latin America and the Caribbean continues to evolve, driven in part by dramatic underlying changes in the broader global dynamics. Latin American security forces, constrained by a combination of resources and administrative and political factors, struggle with varying degrees of effectiveness to adapt. This paper...
Bolivia’s Descent into Deep Chaos and the Implications for the Region
November 22, 2023
— R. Evan Ellis | The resource rich, land-locked South American nation of Bolivia has traditionally received limited attention from Washington. The country, historically mired in poverty, corruption, and cycles of political conflict is one of the hemisphere’s major sources for coca and illegally mined gold, as well as a transit country for both...
The New Russian Engagement with Latin America: Strategic Position, Commerce, and Dreams of the Past
June 17, 2015
— Author: Dr R Evan Ellis View the Executive SummaryIn many ways, Russia’s expanded engagement in Latin America as a response to escalating tension over the Ukraine was a repetition of its answer to U.S. involvement in the 2008 conflict in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. In the latter conflict, the U.S. deployed naval forces to the Black Sea...
Strategic Insights: The Dragon in the Tropics: China’s Military Expansion into the Western Hemisphere
September 30, 2014
— Dr. José de Arimatéia da Cruz A prosperous and stable China will not be a threat to any country. It will only be a positive force for world peace. Vice President Xi Jinping, 2012 Despite the fact that Latin America has been an area of U.S. influence since 1823...
State and Nonstate Associated Gangs: Credible “Midwives of New Social Orders”
May 1, 2009
— Author: Dr Max G Manwaring The monograph examines contemporary populism and neopopulism, 21st century socialism, and a nonstate actor (al-Qaeda) seeking regional and global hegemony. They are: first, paramilitary gang permutations in Colombia that are contributing significantly to the erosion of the Colombian state and its democratic institutions,...
Latin America’s New Security Reality: Irregular Asymmetric Conflict and Hugo Chavez
August 1, 2007
— Author: Dr Max G Manwaring In 2005, Dr. Manwaring wrote a monograph entitled Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, Bolivarian Socialism, and Asymmetric Warfare. It came at a time when the United States and Venezuela were accelerating a verbal sparing match regarding which country was destabilizing Latin America more. President Chavez shows no sign of standing...
Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, Bolivarian Socialism, and Asymmetric Warfare
October 1, 2005
— Author: Dr Max G Manwaring ¿Habla español?Military Review translated this study to Spanish. View the translated study.The author answers questions regarding "Who is Hugo Chavez?" "How can the innumerable charges and countercharges between the Venezuelan and U.S. governments be interpreted?" "What are the implications for democracy and stability in...