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Tag: Global Security

A Hard Look at Hard Power: Assessing the Defense Capabilities of Key US Allies and Security Partners—Second Edition
October 30, 2020
Cover for A Hard Look at Hard Power: Assessing the Defense Capabilities of Key US Allies and Security Partners—Second Edition

Political and Socio-Economic Change: Revolutions and Their Implications for the U.S. Military
September 1, 2014
Cover for Political and Socio-Economic Change: Revolutions and Their Implications for the U.S. Military

Op-Ed: The New Security Reality: Not Business as Usual
August 20, 2012

Ambassador Stephen Krasner’s Orienting Principle for Foreign Policy (and Military Management)—Responsible Sovereignty
April 27, 2012
Cover for Ambassador Stephen Krasner's Orienting Principle for Foreign Policy (and Military Management)—Responsible Sovereignty

Conflict Management and “Whole of Government”: Useful Tools for U.S. National Security Strategy?
April 1, 2012
Cover for Conflict Management and "Whole of Government": Useful Tools for U.S. National Security Strategy?

The Future of Transatlantic Security Relations
September 1, 2006

Security in the Americas: Neither Evolution nor Devolution–Impasse
March 1, 2004

China and Strategic Culture
May 1, 2002

The Inescapable Global Security Arena
April 1, 2002