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Military Power
Grand Strategy is Attrition: The Logic of Integrating Various Forms of Power in Conflict
April 5, 2019
— Author: Dr Lukas MilevskiView the Executive Summary In this monograph, Dr. Lukas Milevski examines the logic of grand strategy in practice, defined by its most basic building block—combining military and non-military power in war. He lays out competing visions of how to define grand strategy and why the aforementioned building block is the most...
Senior Conference 50, The Army We Need: The Role of Landpower in an Uncertain Strategic Environment
February 11, 2015
— Authors: Major Charlie D Lewis, COL Jeffrey D Peterson, Dr Rachel M Sondheimer View the Executive SummaryThe United States Military Academy (USMA) Senior Conference is run annually by the Department of Social Sciences at the USMA on behalf of the Superintendent. This event allows distinguished representatives from the private sector, government,...
Military Power, The Core Tasks Of A Prudent Strategy, And The Army We Need
August 6, 2014
— Brigadier General (Ret.) Huba Wass de Czege The following is Brigadier General (USA Ret.) Huba Wass de Czege’s Keynote Address given at the “West Point Senior Conference 50: The Army We Need in an Uncertain Strategic Environment,” held on June 2, 2014. Our current Army Chief of Staff, General Raymond T. Odierno, often reminds his audiences of...
Op-Ed: Reflections on “The China Threat”
August 1, 2013
— Prof. Neil J. DiamantIt seems that not a day passes without dire warnings about China’s rising economic and military power. China, we are told, is a multi-front menace. Due to “rising nationalism” and an insatiable demand for energy, China covets increasingly large areas of the South China Sea, and ominously seeks to establish a robust forward...
The Military’s Role in Counterterrorism: Examples and Implications for Liberal Democracies
May 1, 2011
— Author: Dr Geraint Hughes The author examines historical and contemporary examples of military involvement in counterterrorism, outlining the specific roles which the armed forces of liberal democracies have performed in combating terrorism, both in a domestic and international context. He describes the political, strategic, conceptual, diplomatic,...
Short of General War: Perspectives on the Use of Military Power in the 21st Century
April 1, 2010
— Author: Dr Harry R Yarger At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the United States is involved in two ongoing wars, faces a significant international terrorist threat, and is witnessing an escalation of international resistance to its leadership of the global world order. Looking out to 2025, many see the potential for a prolonged...
China’s Growing Military Power: Perspectives on Security, Ballistic Missiles, and Conventional Capabilities
September 1, 2002
— Authors: Dr Andrew Scobell, Dr Larry M Wortzel This volume, comprised of papers originally presented at a conference held at Carlisle Barracks in September 2001, helps to put the Hainan Island incident in the broader context of China's strategic aspirations and its growing military capabilities. This conference's co-sponsors were the American...
China’s Military Potential
October 1, 1998
— Author: Dr Larry M Wortzel This monograph provides an appraisal of the ability of the People's Republic of China (PRC) to build a credible military force in the 21st century. The author examines a complicated set of factors, which when taken together, equates to potential military power in China's case. Perhaps foremost among these factors is the...
Whither the RMA: Two Perspectives on Tomorrow’s Army
June 1, 1994
— Authors: COL Raoul Henri Alcala, Dr Paul Bracken In April 1994, the Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute hosted its Fifth Annual Strategy Conference. The theme was "The Revolution in Military Affairs: Defining an Army for the 21st Century." After fourteen of the nation's leading defense scholars presented papers on the role of technology...