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Tag: Mr David E Brown

Africa’s Booming Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production: National Security Implications for the United States and China
December 30, 2013
Africa's Booming Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production: National Security Implications for the United States and China

AFRICOM at 5 Years: The Maturation of a New U.S. Combatant Command
August 8, 2013
AFRICOM at 5 Years: The Maturation of a New U.S. Combatant Command

The Challenge of Drug Trafficking to Democratic Governance and Human Security in West Africa
May 17, 2013
The Challenge of Drug Trafficking to Democratic Governance and Human Security in West Africa

Hidden Dragon, Crouching Lion: How China’s Advance in Africa is Underestimated and Africa’s Potential Underappreciated
September 1, 2012
Cover for Hidden Dragon, Crouching Lion: How China's Advance in Africa is Underestimated and Africa's Potential Underappreciated