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Tag: Post-Cold War

The Role of Small States in the Post-Cold War Era: The Case of Belarus
May 1, 2012
Cover for The Role of Small States in the Post-Cold War Era: The Case of Belarus

The Strategy Deficit
March 20, 2008
Cover for The Strategic Deficit

Fighting in the Gray Zone: A Strategy to Close the Preemption Gap
September 1, 2004

Pax NATO: The Opportunities of Enlargement
August 1, 2002

The Creeping Irrelevance of U.S. Force Planning
May 1, 1998

Germany, France and NATO
October 1, 1994

The Future of Insurgency
December 1, 1993

The Nature of the Post-Cold War World
March 1, 1993

Strategy, Forces and Budgets: Dominant Influences in Executive Decision Making, Post-Cold War, 1989-91
February 1, 1993