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Tag: Prof Douglas C Lovelace Jr

Untangling a New Gordian Knot: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and Alexander’s Sword
May 1, 2010
Cover for Untangling a New Gordian Knot: Don't Ask, Don’t Tell, and Alexander’s Sword

Homeland Security and Civil Liberties
July 8, 2004

Shaping the World through Engagement: Assessing the Department of Defense’s Theater Engagement Planning Process
April 1, 2000

Defining U.S. Atlantic Command’s Role in the Power Projection Strategy
August 1, 1998

Nonlethality and American Land Power: Strategic Context and Operational Concepts
June 1, 1998

The Evolution in Military Affairs: Shaping the Future U.S. Armed Forces
June 16, 1997

Unification of the United States Armed Forces: Implementing the 1986 Department of Defense Reorganization Act
August 1, 1996

The Future of American Landpower: Strategic Challenges for the 21st Century Army
March 1, 1996

Strategic Plans, Joint Doctrine and Antipodean Insights
October 20, 1995

U.S. Department of Defense Strategic Planning: The Missing Nexus
September 1, 1995

The Principles of War in the 21st Century: Strategic Considerations
August 1, 1995