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Tag: Dr Thomas-Durell Young

Multinational Land Forces and the NATO Force Structure Review
June 1, 2000

Shaping the World through Engagement: Assessing the Department of Defense’s Theater Engagement Planning Process
April 1, 2000

European Security: Washington’s Shaping Strategy in Action
March 1, 2000

Defining U.S. Atlantic Command’s Role in the Power Projection Strategy
August 1, 1998

Reforming NATO’s Military Structures: The Long-Term Study and Its Implications for Land Forces
May 1, 1998

Force, Statecraft and German Unity: The Struggle to Adapt Institutions and Practices
December 1, 1996

Strategic Plans, Joint Doctrine and Antipodean Insights
October 20, 1995

U.S. Department of Defense Strategic Planning: The Missing Nexus
September 1, 1995

French Policy Toward NATO: Enhanced Selectivity, Vice Rapprochement
September 1, 1994

Partnership for Peace: Discerning Fact from Fiction
August 1, 1994

Trends in German Defense Policy: The Defense Policy Guidelines and the Centralization of Operational Control
June 1, 1994