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Tag: Dr Stephen C Pelletiere

Searching for Stable Peace in the Persian Gulf
February 1, 1998

Assessing the Costs of Failure
June 26, 1997

The Peace process, Phase One: Past Accomplishments, Future Concerns
January 3, 1997

Managing Strains in the Coalition: What to Do About Saddam?
November 1, 1996

Yemen and Stability in the Persian Gulf: Confronting the Threat from Within
May 1, 1996

A Theory of Fundamentalism: An Inquiry into the Origin and Development of the Movement
September 28, 1995

Terrorism: National Security Policy and the Home Front
May 1, 1995

Assad and the Peace Process: The Pivotal Role of Lebanon
February 1, 1995

Hamas and Hizbollah: The Radical Challenge to Israel in the Occupied Territories
November 1, 1994

Shari’a Law, Cult Violence and System Change in Egypt: The Dilemma Facing President Mubarak
April 1, 1994

Turkey’s Strategic Position at the Crossroads of World Affairs
December 1, 1993