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Tag: readiness

Colloquium Brief: U.S. Army War College 25th Annual Strategy Conference Carlisle, Pennsylvania, April 8-10, 2014 — Balancing the Joint Force to Meet Future Security Challenges
November 15, 2016

A “Hollow Army” Reappraised: President Carter, Defense Budgets, and the Politics of Military Readiness
October 1, 2012
Cover for A "Hollow Army" Reappraised: President Carter, Defense Budgets, and the Politics of Military Readiness

Is the Organizational Culture of the U.S. Army Congruent with the Professional Development of Its Senior Level Officer Corps?
September 1, 2010
Cover for Some of the Best Weapons for Counterinsurgents Do Not Shoot

Women in Combat Compendium
January 1, 2008

Facing the Hydra: Maintaining Strategic Balance while Pursuing a Global War against Terrorism
May 1, 2002