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Tag: planning

Strategic Insights: Challenges in Using Scenario Planning for Defense Strategy
January 30, 2018
Cover for Strategic Insights: Challenges in Using Scenario Planning for Defense Strategy

Strategic Insights: Un-"Steady" State Operations: Redefining the Approach to Phase Zero in a Complex World
June 20, 2016
Cover for Strategic Insights: Un-"Steady" State Operations: Redefining the Approach to Phase Zero in a Complex World

U.S. Military Operations in Iraq: Planning, Combat and Occupation
April 1, 2006

Planning For and Applying Military Force: An Examination of Terms
March 1, 2006

Shaping the World through Engagement: Assessing the Department of Defense’s Theater Engagement Planning Process
April 1, 2000

Joint U.S. Army-Navy War Planning on the Eve of the First World War
February 16, 1998