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29th Annual U.S. Army Strategic Conference

“Strategic Leadership 2030: Transcending Challenges in a Time of Deep Change”

April 24-25, 2018
U.S. Army War College
Carlisle, PA, United States
Open to the General Public

29th Annual U.S. Army Strategy Conference – “Strategic Leadership 2030: Transcending Challenges in a Time of Deep Change”

This year’s USAWC Annual Strategy Conference is available online for scholars, practitioners, policy-makers, and the informed public. World renowned speakers and panelists will explore today’s security challenges and related landpower implications. Question and answer sessions will offer the audience a rare opportunity to directly engage senior leaders, policy-makers, and experts. A dedicated Twitter feed and a live webcast will offer viewers from around the world the opportunity to participate in the conversation as well.

Partners: U.S. Army War College