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Regional Issues

The Impact of the Political Orientation of Latin America, on the Advance...

Latin America is currently undergoing unprecedented political shifts. This phenomenon is characterized by the recent electoral victories of left-ofcenter candidates in Mexico in 2018; Argentina in 2019; Peru, Honduras, and Chile in 2021; and in

European Security | Aug. 26, 2024

Ukraine has invaded Russia, what happens next?

Ukraine shocked Russia and its allies by launching a surprise attack on the Kursk region and has now seized over 1200 square kilometres of enemy territory. Will this operation prove pivotal for the war or could it turn into a strategic

European Security | Aug. 14, 2024

The NATO Strategic Concept on Its Seventy-Fifth Anniversary

| Published by Army University Press Military Review, July-August 2024 |  The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will celebrate its seventy-fifth anniversary at its 2024 summit in Washington, D.C. NATO’s age tells a story of alliance endurance

Secrecy and Solidarity: PRC Internal Security Partnerships with Socialis...

Publication: China Brief Volume: 24 Issue: 15, The Jamestown Foundation: Global Research & AnalysisThe People’s Republic of China (PRC) engages in extensive security cooperation with other single-party socialist states. This includes deploying the
Category: Publications

The Past as Prologue: A History of U.S. Counterinsurgency Policy in Colombia, 1958-66
March 1, 2002

U.S. Military Presence in the Persian Gulf: Challenges and Prospects
March 1, 2002

Defeating Terrorism: Strategic Issue Analyses
January 1, 2002

The Rise of China in Asia: Security Implications
January 1, 2002

Colombian Army Adaptation to FARC Insurgency
January 1, 2002

The Intervention Debate: Towards a Posture of Principled Judgment
January 1, 2002

ESDP and Missile Defense: European Perspectives for More Balanced Transatlantic Partnership
December 1, 2001

Colombia’s Paramilitaries: Criminals or Political Force?
December 1, 2001

Transforming Defense an Era of Peace and Prosperity
December 1, 2001

The Transatlantic Security Agenda: A Conference Report and Analysis
December 1, 2001