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Lectures and Panels

You’ve long known the Strategic Studies Institute at the US Army War College as the go-to location for issues related to national security and military strategy with emphasis on geostrategic analysis. Now we’re bringing you access to SSI analyses, scholars, and guests through the SSI Media page.

Click on a video thumbnail to access the recording on YouTube (links will open in a new tab).

The opinions expressed in these videos are those of the speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Army, the Department of Defense, or the US Government.

Great Decisions Lecture Series

Ethics and AI - Dr. William Barry
War Crimes - Dr. Robert Hamilton
Iran at a crossroads - Chris Bolan
Economic Warfare- Dr. Mark Duckenfield
US response to PRC's Growing Presence - Dr. Carol Evans
Arctic Environmental Security Panel
Politics in Latin American - Dr. Evan Ellis
Climate Migration - Prof. Michele Devlin

Past SSI Lectures and Panels

Many of the SSI faculty deliver relevant discussions which we are now excited to share with you.

US dialogue with Japan, Australia, and India ... to contain China – Dr. Carol V. Evans

Trusting AI: Integrating New Expert Knowledge into the Military Profession – Dr. Tony Pfaff

Hong Kong National Security and Taiwan – China relations – Dr. Roger Cliff

The United States and Mexico: Partnership Tested – Dr. Evan Ellis

The Middle East: Regional Disorder – Dr. Chris Bolan

Decoding US–China Trade – Prof. John Troxell

January 11, 2019: NTL – Nuclear Weapons in South Asia – Dr. Sumit Ganguly (Watch on YouTube)

30 January 2018: The New National Defense Strategy (Watch on YouTube)

3 March 2017: European Military Reform and Innovation (Watch on YouTube)

22 February 2017: Allies, Partners, and Rivals – And European Strategic Autonomy? (Watch on YouTube)

21 September 2016: German Security Policy and the Future of the Bundeswehr: Challenges, Choices, Consequences. (Watch on YouTube)

24 May 2016: National Bureau of Asian Research (Watch on YouTube)

12 May 2016: Strategic Landpower and a Resurgent Russia — Live Book Launch (Watch on YouTube)

17 February 2016: Will stand-off capabilities & surging from CONUS reduce or expand options for future POTUS? Feb. 9 Discussion with Dr. John R. Deni (Watch on YouTube)

1 Dec 2015: What are prospects for EU security strategy? Nov. 19 Discussion with Sven Biscop (Watch on YouTube)

17 November 2015: Rebalancing toward diplomacy, away from defense — implications for DoD? (Watch on YouTube)