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Reform and the Revolution in Russian Defense Economics
May 19, 1995

The European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy: Central issues . . . Key Players
May 10, 1995

Terrorism: National Security Policy and the Home Front
May 1, 1995

Strategic Implications of the U.S.-DPRK Framework Agreement
April 1, 1995

American Civil-Military Relations: New Issues, Enduring Problems
April 1, 1995

Counterforce and Theater Missile Defense: Can the Army Use an ASW Approach to the SCUD Hunt?
March 1, 1995

Energy, Economics, and Security in Central Asia: Russia and Its Rivals
March 1, 1995

The Army in the Information Age
March 1, 1995

The National Security Strategy: Documenting Strategic Vision Second Edition
March 1, 1995

World View: The 1995 Strategic Assessment from the Strategic Studies Institute
February 1, 1995

Counterinsurgency: Strategy and the Phoenix of American Capability
February 1, 1995

The CFE Treaty: A Cold War Anachronism?
February 1, 1995