Home : SSI Media : Recent Publications
Colombia’s Conflicts: The Spillover Effects of a Wider War
October 1, 2002

Growing U.S. Security Interests in Central Asia
October 1, 2002

Transformation Concepts for National Security in the 21st Century
September 1, 2002

China’s Growing Military Power: Perspectives on Security, Ballistic Missiles, and Conventional Capabilities
September 1, 2002

Avoiding Vietnam: The U.S. Army’s Response to Defeat in Southeast Asia
September 1, 2002

Clausewitz’s Center of Gravity: Changing Our Warfighting Doctrine–Again!
September 1, 2002

The Bases of French Peace Operations Doctrine: Problematical Scope of France’s Military Engagements within the U.N. or NATO Framework
September 1, 2002

A 21st Century Security Architecture for the Americas: Multilateral Cooperation, Liberal Peace, and Soft Power
August 1, 2002

The Future of Transcaspian Security
August 1, 2002

Pax NATO: The Opportunities of Enlargement
August 1, 2002

Hizballah: Terrorism, National Liberation, or Menace?
August 1, 2002

Tweaking NATO: The Case for Integrated Multinational Divisions
June 1, 2002