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Plan Colombia: Reality of the Colombian Crisis and Implications for Hemispheric Security
December 1, 2002

South Asia in 2020: Future Strategic Balances and Alliances
November 1, 2002

Saddam’s Strategy: No To Nuclear Weapons; Yes To Biologicals
November 1, 2002

Afghanistan and the Future of Warfare: Implications for Army and Defense Policy
November 1, 2002

European Adaptation to Expeditionary Warfare: Implications for the U.S. Army
November 1, 2002

Dragon on Terrorism: Assessing China’s Tactical Gains and Strategic Losses Post-September 11
October 1, 2002

Colombia’s Conflicts: The Spillover Effects of a Wider War
October 1, 2002

Growing U.S. Security Interests in Central Asia
October 1, 2002

Transformation Concepts for National Security in the 21st Century
September 1, 2002

China’s Growing Military Power: Perspectives on Security, Ballistic Missiles, and Conventional Capabilities
September 1, 2002

Avoiding Vietnam: The U.S. Army’s Response to Defeat in Southeast Asia
September 1, 2002

Clausewitz’s Center of Gravity: Changing Our Warfighting Doctrine–Again!
September 1, 2002