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W(h)ither Corps?
August 1, 2001

Educating International Security Practitioners: Preparing to Face the Demands of the 21st Century International Security Environment
July 1, 2001

Army Transformation: A View from the U.S. Army War College
July 1, 2001

The Regional Security Crisis in the Andes: Patterns of State Response
June 1, 2001

Plan Colombia: Some Differing Perspectives
June 1, 2001

U.S. Security Policy in the Western Hemisphere: Why Colombia, Why Now, and What Is To Be Done?
June 1, 2001

Future Warfare Anthology, Revised Edition
June 1, 2001

The Search for Accountability and Transparency in PLAN COLOMBIA: Reforming Judicial Institutions–Again
May 1, 2001

European Perceptions of Plan Colombia: A Virtual Contribution to a Virtual War and Peace Plan?
May 1, 2001

U.S. Support of PLAN COLOMBIA: Rethinking the Ends and Means
May 1, 2001

Plan Colombia: The View from the Presidential Palace
May 1, 2001

U.S. Army and the Asia-Pacific
April 1, 2001