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Category: Regional Issues

Avoiding Vietnam: The U.S. Army’s Response to Defeat in Southeast Asia
September 1, 2002

The Bases of French Peace Operations Doctrine: Problematical Scope of France’s Military Engagements within the U.N. or NATO Framework
September 1, 2002

Hizballah: Terrorism, National Liberation, or Menace?
August 1, 2002

Nonstate Actors in Colombia: Threat and Response
May 1, 2002

Beyond Nunn-Lugar: Curbing the Next Wave of Weapons Proliferation Threats from Russia
April 1, 2002

The Past as Prologue: A History of U.S. Counterinsurgency Policy in Colombia, 1958-66
March 1, 2002

U.S. Military Presence in the Persian Gulf: Challenges and Prospects
March 1, 2002

The Rise of China in Asia: Security Implications
January 1, 2002

Colombian Army Adaptation to FARC Insurgency
January 1, 2002

The Asia-Pacific in the U.S. National Security Calculus for a New Millennium
December 1, 2000