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Category: China Landpower Studies Center

China’s Security Engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean
February 26, 2024
China’s Security Engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean
An overview of the characteristics and trends in China’s security engagement in the region, and how it is evolving.

Why North Korea Survives
February 20, 2024
Why North Korea Survives
Here’s how the Kim regime has proven so resilient.
Sheena Chestnut Greitens

China-Latin America Space Cooperation: An Overview
February 16, 2024
China-Latin America Space Cooperation: An Overview
By R. Evan Ellis

As China has increased its political and economic cooperation with Latin America, it has also expanded its space engagement with the region.

CMSI Note #4: Deck Cargo Ships: Another Option for a Cross-Strait Invasion
February 14, 2024
CMSI Note #4: Deck Cargo Ships: Another Option for a Cross-Strait Invasion | Authors Conor M. Kennedy

PRC Engagement with Latin America, and Central and Eastern Europe: Comparisons and Insights
February 8, 2024
PRC Engagement with Latin America, and Central and Eastern Europe: Comparisons and Insights | R. Evan Ellis

The Mixed Message About China's Economy
February 8, 2024
The Mixed Message About China's Economy | NPR Podcast Appearance by Sheena Greitens

Strategic Implications of the Deterioration of the Rules-Based International Order
February 2, 2024
Strategic Implications of the Deterioration of the Rules-Based International Order | R. Evan Ellis

Assessing the Outcome of Taiwan's Presidential Election | 2024 Elections to Watch
January 18, 2024
On January 13 Taiwanese voters headed to the polls, where they elected William Lai to serve as president.  

Carnegie Asia Program non-resident scholar Sheena Greitens breaks down the results of the election and the various issues at play.

Deterrence Gap: Avoiding War in the Taiwan Strait
January 5, 2024
The likelihood China will attack Taiwan in the next decade is high and will continue to be so, unless Taipei and Washington take urgent steps to restore deterrence across the Taiwan Strait. This monograph introduces the concept of interlocking deterrents, explains why deterrents lose their potency with the passage of time, and provides concrete recommendations for how Taiwan, the United States, and other regional powers can develop multiple, interlocking deterrents that will ensure Taiwanese security in the short and longer terms. By joining deterrence theory with an empirical analysis of Taiwanese, Chinese, and US policies, the monograph provides US military and policy practitioners new insights into ways to deter the People’s Republic of China from invading Taiwan without relying exclusively on the threat of great-power war.
Jared M. McKinney and Peter Harris
Taiwan, China, deterrence, cross-strait relations, Indo-Pacific, East Asia, US foreign policy, international security
Defense and Security Studies

New Leaders in “National” Security after China’s 20th Party Congress
November 30, 2023
National Security after China’s 20th Party Congress: Trends in Discourse and Policy (prcleader.org) | Sheena Chestnut Greitens

China Maritime Report No. 32: The PCH191 Modular Long-Range Rocket Launcher: Reshaping the PLA Army's Role in a Cross-Strait Campaign
November 15, 2023
"China Maritime Report No. 32: The PCH191 Modular Long-Range Rocket Lau" by Joshua Arostegui (usnwc.edu)

National Security after China’s 20th Party Congress: Trends in Discourse and Policy
August 29, 2023
National Security after China’s 20th Party Congress: Trends in Discourse and Policy (prcleader.org) | Sheena Chestnut Greitens