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Feb. 14, 2014

Senior Officer Talent Management: Fostering Institutional Adaptability

By LTC Michael J Colarusso, COL David S Lyle

Book CoverAuthor: LTC Michael J Colarusso, COL David S Lyle

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The Army has for years been successful at creating senior leaders adept in the art and science of land combat after honing their leadership at the direct and organizational levels. While those experiences remain invaluable, undue reliance upon them to create the Army's future institutional leaders is increasingly risky in today's rapidly changing world. The contemporary and future operating environments demand an innovative and highly adaptive Institutional Army, capable of rapidly responding to operational demands. Incremental adjustments to current senior officer management practices will not create that adaptability. An entirely new approach is required, one that unleashes the unique potential of each person—full-career officer talent management.

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