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Tag: Iran

Iran, Iraq, and the United States: The New Triangle’s Impact on Sectarianism and the Nuclear Threat
November 1, 2006

Checking Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions
January 1, 2004

Hizballah: Terrorism, National Liberation, or Menace?
August 1, 2002

Prevailing in a Well-Armed World: Devising Competitive Strategies Against Weapons Proliferation
March 1, 2000

Managing Strains in the Coalition: What to Do About Saddam?
November 1, 1996

Central Asia: A New Great Game?
June 1, 1996

A Theory of Fundamentalism: An Inquiry into the Origin and Development of the Movement
September 28, 1995

Terrorism: National Security Policy and the Home Front
May 1, 1995

Turkey’s Strategic Position at the Crossroads of World Affairs
December 1, 1993